Author Archives: M. Frazier

Thanksgiving Day Quotes: 5 Funny Thanksgiving Day Quotes to Share




Thanksgiving Day is a day for food, family and football–and 2014 will be no different. However, don’t forget the funny quotes!

To help readers out with the last one, we present 5 Funny Thanksgiving Day Quotes to share with your family while at Thanksgiving dinner. Or afterwards.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

1 “I’m from Canada, so Thanksgiving to me is just Thursday with more food. And I’m thankful for that.”
Howie Mandel

2 “It took me three weeks to stuff the turkey. I stuffed it through the beak.”
Phyllis Diller

3 “Cooking Tip: Wrap turkey leftovers in aluminum foil and throw them out.”
Nicole Hollander

4 “We’re having something different this year for Thanksgiving. Instead of a turkey, we’re having a swan. You get more stuffing.”
George Carlin

5 “Last Thanksgiving I shot my own turkey. It was fun. That shotgun going,Blam! Everybody at the supermarket just staring. Why track them when I know where they are?”
–Kenny Rogerson

For more Thanksgiving Day 2014 Quotes: Thanksgiving Day 2014 Quotes: 15 Thanksgiving Quotes to Eat Turkey By

Thanksgiving Day 2014 Quotes: 10 MORE Thanksgiving Quotes to Eat Turkey By

by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

Father’s Day Quotes: 10 Father’s Day Quotes for 2014


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY 2014: 20 Father's Day Quotes for the Father of the Year!

We lifted 10 Father’s Day quotes from FATHER’S DAY 2014 QUOTES: 35 Quotes Help Dad Celebrate Father’s Day and brought them to DBKP WordPress for the readers’ enjoyment and use.  Enjoy!

…and don’t forget to tell Dad you love him!

“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.”
Tim Russert

“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.”
Harry S. Truman

“Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.”
Bill Cosby

“I wasn’t anything special as a father. But I loved them and they knew it.”
Sammy Davis, Jr.

Listen to your father who gave you life,and do not despise your mother when she is old.”
Proverbs 23:22

“It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.”
Anne Sexton

“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”
Mark Twain

“[He] adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector.”
Tom Wolfe

“Dad, wherever you are, you are gone but you will never be forgotten.”
Conrad Hall

“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”
Theodore Hesburgh

Read the rest: FATHER’S DAY 2014 QUOTES: 35 Quotes Help Dad Celebrate Father’s Day

5 Memorial Days Quotes to Remember Memorial Day

MEMORIAL DAY 2014 QUOTES: 20 Memorial Day Quotes to kick off the Summer.


Memorial Day is the holiday that traditionally begins summer vacation season in America.  It is also the day to honor America’s war dead. Memorial Day weekend has become a day for family reunions and cookouts.

Happy Memorial Day!

“Memorial Day this year is especially important as we are reminded almost daily of the great sacrifices that the men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life.”
Robin Hayes

“I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.”
Bob Riley

“As America celebrates Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those who have given their lives in our nation’s wars.”
John M. McHugh

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”
General George S. Patton

“On thy grave the rain shall fall from the eyes of a mighty nation!”
Thomas William Parsons

15 More at: MEMORIAL DAY QUOTES: 20 Quotes to Enjoy a Memorial Day Cookout by

Independent Thoughts from Around the Internet

INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET: Make that "our corner of the Internet"

INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET: Make that “our corner of the Internet”


From the Websites we find of interest (for whatever reason).

Links are given as is, without endorsement, sometimes with comment; sometimes, not.  Independent thought is usually rewarded, though not always.

April 2, 2014
America more economically unequal after 5+ years of Obama

المنتخب محمد مرسي بضوء اخضر من امريكا والغرب اطفال سيناء اصبحو هدفللجيش المصري الذي اطاح بارئيس  – Roughly translated: “Elect Mohamed Morsi green light from America and the West kids Sinai Asubho goal of the Egyptian army, which overthrew Baris

Malaysian government admits altering MH370 pilot transcript, hiding evidence and misleading the public in massive cover-up

Common Core Worksheet tells kids to Choose 2 to remove from the Constitution – That’s easy.  Remove the 18th and the 21st amendments and absolutely nothing would change.  The 18th brought about Prohibition of alcohol; the 21st, repealed the 18th.

The 17th Amendment, “Establishes the direct election of United States Senators by popular vote,” could also go by the wayside without any tears from this corner.  The 23rd, which gave the District of Columbia 3 electoral votes, would also be a prime candidate for elimination.  The 26th and 27th would also be no great loss.

So there’s six amendments which could disappear without anything changing for the worse–and maybe the better.

This is all likely to come as a shock to those who place their faith in the US constitution to protect their “rights.”  Basically,  nine unelected people in Washington DC decide what rights the American people deserve to have. Those who put their faith in the US constitution are doomed to be disappointed.

As a great many Americans are finding out to their great dismay.

(VIDEO) Can we Speak things into Existence? – As amazing as it may sound, there are Christians who believe this teaching, which originated in the occult world.  Informative 7 minutes.

Russian motivations for attacking the USA

My March Preps: You get to hold me accountable!

Israeli Ex-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert convicted of corruption

12 Signs that something big is happening to the earth’s crust under North and South America

Frankie Knuckles, Godfather of House Music, dead at 59

Yellowstone: M 4.7 Earthquake , 37km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana – the biggest recorded there since February 1980. A total of 13 EQ ranging in Magnitude from 2.5 to 4.7 in the last 5 days 3/31/2014

Read MORE: OF INTEREST: Independent thoughts from around the Internet

by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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Duck Dynasty: Phil Robertson and the Corporate Media

Duck Dynasty: The Media Controversy

Duck Dynasty: The Media Controversy


Phil Robertson, one of the Duck guys from the relentlessly-promoted Duck Dynasty, has been kicked to the curb, purportedly over remarks he made in an interview conducted on his own time.

Now, the fight has escalated, with people who don’t know a duck call from a carburetor, encouraged to feel the outrage and join in the fun that can only be had by expressing that outrage in public.

But seriously: what is this all about?  Why has the Corporate Media chosen to shine it’s worldly spotlight of 24/7 coverage on this event?  There is always a reason.  What is that reason?  Is it because the media desperately wants the folks at home to have the truth?

Is it really about some guy in Louisiana who doesn’t think homosexuals are right with God?  Seriously, there’s a ten-ton truckload of those of a similar mind in Cajun country.

Maybe ten thousand truckloads.

READ MORE: Duck Dynasty: Phil Robertson’s Duck Media Obligation

The latest media manufactured controversy at A&E, involving Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty.

You didn’t think the powers-that-be set up and used the power of their Corporate Media to mercilessly. relentlessly promote Duck Dynasty so a bunch of Louisiana beards could make millions selling duck calls did you?

Nelson Mandela, UFOs and Mark of the Beast: End Times Prophecy Headlines

What's New at End Times Prophecy Report?

What’s New at End Times Prophecy Report?


WEEK OF November 30-December 6

The death of Nelson Mandela is covered in the December 5, 6 and WEEKEND EDITION (December 7-8) End Times Prophecy headlines.

UFOs make a comeback in the short essay “UFOs, Comets, Fireballs and Asteroids: Sky Threats Now Common.”

The mark of the beast (666) gets discussed in two articles this past week–“John MacArthur and the mark of the beast: Last Days Apostasy” and “Mark of the Beast: The Complete Guide to the Mark of the Beast, 666.”

Six other articles were also published this last week for a total of twelve.  The complete line-up includes:

by Mondo Frazier

An image of Halley's Comet taken June 6, 1910.

An image of Halley’s Comet taken June 6, 1910. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New End Times Prophecy Website Open

End Times Prophecy Report site now up and running

End Times Prophecy Report site now up and running

End Times Prophecy Report, a new WordPress site, is now up and running.

The site features headlines, news and commentary as it pertains to the times in which we live.  According to the site’s editor, Jeremiah Jameson, it will also focus on:

“End Times Bible Prophecy and News, End Times Deception, Societal Collapse, Apostasy, False Teachers, Mass Hysteria, Demonic Attacks, War, Rumors of War, Famine, Pestilence, Salvation through Jesus Christ, Earthquakes, UFOs, Earth Changes, False Christs, All Roads Lead to Rome, New World Order, Conspiracies, and GMO Frankenfood.”

“We plan to emphasize news and commentary as it pertains to Biblical prophecy and the times we are living in.”

The site’s plans are to update daily and to add writers as they grow.

“We’re in the middle of putting everything in order, what everyone will be writing about and even the entire list of topics we plan on covering,” Jameson offered.  “Check back often to see what we’re up to!’

This writer will be an occasional contributor to End Times Prophecy Report.

Any writer interested in contributing can contact James at

Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama: Three Months in Print

The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama is nearing its third month in print.

The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama was released on October 25, 2011 by Threshold Editions, a division of Simon & Schuster, and explores the many aspects of the President’s life that remain unreported–or under-reported–by the the American Corporate Media.

Written by Mondo Frazier, Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama is packed full of facts that most likely won’t make the president’s next autobiography.

The book is available in both hardcover and e-book at hundreds of locations worldwide, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, iTunes and better bookstores across the USA.

More information:
* Secret Lives
* Who is Barack Obama?
* Revealing Obama’s Secret Agenda
* Book Review: The Secret Life Of Barack Hussein Obama by Mondo Frazier
* Book Review: “The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama” by Mondo Frazier

Frazier writes daily at DBKP – Death By 1000 Papercuts.

Rielle Hunter Image Rehab Tour: Almost 100% Negative Comments

Rielle Hunter’s Mistress Rehab Media Image Tour has stopped at GQ and will pull into Oprah’s in 4 more weeks. How’s John Edwards’ mistress doing with the fans? If the comments on articles about her are any guide: not so hot.


2010 Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour Continues

Former mistress and current media manipulator, Rielle Hunter, has booked the second leg of her Image Rehab Tour on Oprah the first week of May. But how was her first stop received? What did readers think of her infamous 10-page GQ interview?

Did Rielle Hunter change any minds out there? We were curious, so we went looking.

But first, a bit of history, for those coming late to the story.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY’s Jeff Labrecque has the conventional wisdom on John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter’s Magical Mistress Make-Over Tour.

Now that Edwards’ political career is kaput, do we really need to grant Hunter a showcase for her version of the tawdry details?

Fair or not, is there anything Hunter can tell Oprah that will improve her public image? Do you even want to hear what she has to say? Will you watch?

That seems to the take from both the Left and Right. Hunter seems to be a lot like medicine: you can only take her in very small doses. The correct dosage for Rielle seems to be smaller than she’s willing to provide.

One can only image what Hunter would be doing today instead of doing Oprah had the media chose to cover the affair back when it was relevant in 2007-08.

ALSO @ DBKP: Oprah: Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour to Appear on Oprah
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: Rielle Hunter Photos, Video
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: The Many Versions of the Rielle Truth
* John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library of DBKP Articles & Videos; over 180 articles and video on the Scandal from December 2007 to the present. [Note: The links to Death By 1000 Papercuts@Blogger will be re-constructed in the near future.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Instead, a total black-out (with the exception of a few lines in the NY Post) of coverage imposed a news vacuum for 10 months–until Edwards gave the go-ahead for his buddies in the media to talk about it by “confessing” on ABC’s Nightline on August 8, 2008.

If the story had been covered from the beginning, Edwards would have bowed out and the soap opera that ensued would not have happened: No Enquirer chasing Edwards around the Beverly Hilton, no tortured non-denial denials, no Nightline lies and drama.

Rielle Hunter would be at best Old News–or no news at all.

No doubt Hunter would be proposing some type of reality show which featured the appearance of her daughter, Frances Quinn. Quinn is the only thing that makes Hunter palatable in print or TV.

And she knows it.

Hence any media must make the trek to Charlotte, NC to interview her at her home–where conveniently, FQ also resides. Frances Q. becomes a topic of conversation during the interview–thus lifting the focus, if for only a few moments–from the frothy narcissism-cum-Eastern mystical cluelessness that makes up Hunter’s persona.

If the EPA regulated auras, there’d be a TOXIC DO NOT ENTER sign nailed to Hunter’s forehead.

But enough. What do readers think?


Here’s some comments from the GQ interview itself. These are representative. After combing through pages, no positive comments on Rielle Hunter were found.

Rielle Hunter seems to be the Richard Nixon of mistresses.

But that’s not an exact parallel: Nixon had his foreign policy admirers.

On to the comments.

BTW, Zara, you mentioned a comparison to Camilla Parker Bowles and I must respectfully disagree. 1. Camilla kept her mouth shut. She never once gave a tell-all interview even after they married. 2. Unlike Johnny & Ms. New Age Hunter, I believe Charles and Camilla clearly loved each other and had a relationship that went far beyond sex. 3. Camilla actually had a means to support herself other than living off a man. (She was heiress to a property development fortune from a grandfather, but even before that, she actually WORKED.) 4. Lastly, Charles actually married Camilla whereas I think there is a better chance of Johnny Boy being elected to public office again than ever marrying this woman.

“You can’t help you fall in love with? BULL. SHIP. Yes you can. You stay away, simple as that. Just because you don’t want to and don’t think its fair blah blah blah doesn’t mean you CAN’T. This woman is like a deluded 15 year old trying to convince herself that it was something magical and special because she knows she did a despicable thing, but if she can convince herself (and everyone else) that it was LOVE and DESTINY and whatever other SPIRITUAL TRUTH crap she wants to spew, then it doesn’t seem so bad. And if that crap was the FACTUAL TRUTH then would he have really denied it and denied her and lied and whatever else? And did the author really call her smart? Because how smart can she be if she sits there and acknowledges all his deliberate and elaborate and intentional lies, and then say she “knows” he would never lie to her? It kills me that these women get this attention. Clearly I am a fool for going to college and having a job instead of just making a career out of being a slut. BLAH.”

Well, kids, we haven’t heard the last of Rielle Hunter. CNN reported today that Oprah is going to interview her. While I wish Oprah would not have agreed to this since it is clear Hunter craves attention, I doubt this is going to be any softball interview. She had Andrew Young on a few months ago and did nothing to hide her disgust over John making that sex tape and lying repeatedly to Elizabeth. Oprah is a helluva lot smarter than Hunter, so it will be interesting to see this!

Read the rest at DBKP: Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well [Cached copy]

Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well

April 7, 2010

By Mondoreb

Comments about Rielle Hunter almost 100% Negative–so far.

Rielle Hunter’s Mistress Rehab Media Image Tour has stopped at GQ and will pull into Oprah’s in 4 more weeks. How’s John Edwards’ mistress doing with the fans? If the comments on articles about her are any guide: not so hot.


2010 Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour Continues

Former mistress and current media manipulator, Rielle Hunter, has booked the second leg of her Image Rehab Tour on Oprah the first week of May. But how was her first stop received? What did readers think of her infamous 10-page GQ interview?

Did Rielle Hunter change any minds out there? We were curious, so we went looking.

But first, a bit of history, for those coming late to the story.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY’s Jeff Labrecque has the conventional wisdom on John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter’s Magical Mistress Make-Over Tour.

Now that Edwards’ political career is kaput, do we really need to grant Hunter a showcase for her version of the tawdry details?

Fair or not, is there anything Hunter can tell Oprah that will improve her public image? Do you even want to hear what she has to say? Will you watch?

That seems to the take from both the Left and Right. Hunter seems to be a lot like medicine: you can only take her in very small doses. The correct dosage for Rielle seems to be smaller than she’s willing to provide.

One can only image what Hunter would be doing today instead of doing Oprah had the media chose to cover the affair back when it was relevant in 2007-08.

ALSO @ DBKP: Oprah: Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour to Appear on Oprah
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: Rielle Hunter Photos, Video
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: The Many Versions of the Rielle Truth
* John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library of DBKP Articles & Videos; over 180 articles and video on the Scandal from December 2007 to the present.

Instead, a total black-out (with the exception of a few lines in the NY Post) of coverage imposed a news vacuum for 10 months–until Edwards gave the go-ahead for his buddies in the media to talk about it by “confessing” on ABC’s Nightline on August 8, 2008.If the story had been covered from the beginning, Edwards would have bowed out and the soap opera that ensued would not have happened: No Enquirer chasing Edwards around the Beverly Hilton, no tortured non-denial denials, no Nightline lies and drama.

Rielle Hunter would be at best Old News–or no news at all.

No doubt Hunter would be proposing some type of reality show which featured the appearance of her daughter, Frances Quinn. Quinn is the only thing that makes Hunter palatable in print or TV.

And she knows it.

Hence any media must make the trek to Charlotte, NC to interview her at her home–where conveniently, FQ also resides. Frances Q. becomes a topic of conversation during the interview–thus lifting the focus, if for only a few moments–from the frothy narcissism-cum-Eastern mystical cluelessness that makes up Hunter’s persona.

If the EPA regulated auras, there’d be a TOXIC DO NOT ENTER sign nailed to Hunter’s forehead.

But enough. What do readers think?


Here’s some comments from the GQ interview itself. These are representative. After combing through pages, no positive comments on Rielle Hunter were found.

Rielle Hunter seems to be the Richard Nixon of mistresses.

But that’s not an exact parallel: Nixon had his foreign policy admirers.

On to the comments.

BTW, Zara, you mentioned a comparison to Camilla Parker Bowles and I must respectfully disagree. 1. Camilla kept her mouth shut. She never once gave a tell-all interview even after they married. 2. Unlike Johnny & Ms. New Age Hunter, I believe Charles and Camilla clearly loved each other and had a relationship that went far beyond sex. 3. Camilla actually had a means to support herself other than living off a man. (She was heiress to a property development fortune from a grandfather, but even before that, she actually WORKED.) 4. Lastly, Charles actually married Camilla whereas I think there is a better chance of Johnny Boy being elected to public office again than ever marrying this woman.

“You can’t help you fall in love with? BULL. SHIP. Yes you can. You stay away, simple as that. Just because you don’t want to and don’t think its fair blah blah blah doesn’t mean you CAN’T. This woman is like a deluded 15 year old trying to convince herself that it was something magical and special because she knows she did a despicable thing, but if she can convince herself (and everyone else) that it was LOVE and DESTINY and whatever other SPIRITUAL TRUTH crap she wants to spew, then it doesn’t seem so bad. And if that crap was the FACTUAL TRUTH then would he have really denied it and denied her and lied and whatever else? And did the author really call her smart? Because how smart can she be if she sits there and acknowledges all his deliberate and elaborate and intentional lies, and then say she “knows” he would never lie to her? It kills me that these women get this attention. Clearly I am a fool for going to college and having a job instead of just making a career out of being a slut. BLAH.”

Well, kids, we haven’t heard the last of Rielle Hunter. CNN reported today that Oprah is going to interview her. While I wish Oprah would not have agreed to this since it is clear Hunter craves attention, I doubt this is going to be any softball interview. She had Andrew Young on a few months ago and did nothing to hide her disgust over John making that sex tape and lying repeatedly to Elizabeth. Oprah is a helluva lot smarter than Hunter, so it will be interesting to see this!

“For what it’s worth, I wholeheartedly approve of this article. Tabloids have made Rielle Hunter out to be a jaundiced predator, but now I know better: she’s actually an honest, attractive, spiritual woman who’s not afraid to tell the truth. Also, the photos give her a millenial Princess Di aura. Congrats, G.Q.”
–ctb 16

“There is an awful lot of moralistic, holier than thou, rhetoric going on here. Yes, John definitely made many mistakes, the biggest that he should have divorced 1st but he dragged others along…not only his family but Rielle as well”

Rielle was not dragged into anything. Rielle is a happy participant who knew exactly what she was getting into when she cornered Edwards in front of the Regency hotel. Rielle is the reason that John Edwards may even go to jail. To call that a chance at happiness is ridiculous.

“I just read this article in my GQ and if people didn’t already think Hunter was an idiot they probably do now! Just reading it I was thinking are you really that stupid and naive. She constantly says she was not a mistress, but only playing a role as one…what the hell does that mean? Women you are a mistress! She must be the queen of denial! She takes no responsibility for her actions. She says it wasn’t about sex…then what the hell was it? If he wouldn’t have been John Edwards she wouldn’t have looked twice at him…that is what is the sad part about this to me. What I don’t get is how a women can have such little self respect for herself? Does she not realize he has probably had tons of mistresses and told them all the same thing…like Tiger Woods was doing. She isn’t special…if she was special to Edwards he would have wanted her to keep the baby (which in the interview it didn’t sound like that was the case) and he would have already left his wife a long time ago and married her…he still hasn’t married her and he probably never will! Why would he when he can have his cake and eat it too! Hunter should read the new Jackie Collins best seller called “Poor Little Bitch Girl” she would relate very well with the character of Carolyn…”

The early returns are in and they don’t look good for Hunter being able to use Oprah as a vehicle for her rehabilitation. From Oprah Welcomes John Edwards Mistress at Gawker:

“The title should read “Oprah Welcomes John Edwards’ Mistress and Is Immediately Overcome by the Need to Shower with a Sandblaster.””

I wonder if Oprah will let her get away with spewing that New Age b.s. She takes no responsibility for her actions. She helped to ruin several people’s lives including four children. Edwards is definitely a slimy asshole but she sees this as a love story and the cancer stricken wife is just a speed bump.

OPRAH WINFREY NABS EDWARDS MISTRESS FIRST TV INTERVIEW – ENQUIRER WORLD EXCLUSIVE! Oprah Winfrey has nabbed John Edwards’ mistress Rielle Hunter for her first TV interview!

“Fame whoring is a good color on you, Ms. Hunter.”

I don’t care if they roll footage of her saving puppies from a burning building while adopting orphans and bathing lepers, she’ll still be the cheap slut that stole cancer woman’s husband.

“Wow, although I consider myself an Oprah fan, this is enough to make me reconsider. Especially is she treats this woman with any measure of politeness or sympatico. If she doesn’t rip ol’ Rielle a new one, I won’t know what to say about Oprah.”

“So Reille. Am I pronouncing that correctly? I am? I’m not? Whatever. Let me ask you this: Will you ever tell your bastard child about the dirty pregnant fuck vid you shot with his dad, while he was married to a cancer-stricken woman?”


So what does this all mean? That most people enjoy a train wreck? That only mean people comment on Internet stories? That Rielle Hunter has a very steep, maybe impossible, hill to climb?

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a slow news day?

OR is it all of the above?

NOTE: Readers may think that we’re being too hard on Hunter. Maybe. Maybe not. Here’s an interesting experiment (for those with the time and inclination, admittedly a small audience): Google “Rielle Hunter” in Google News. Pick a random article or two and check out the comments. If you can find any positive ones, you’re doing better than us.

by Mondo Frazier
image: DBKP file

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6 Responses to Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well


  1. Debbi on April 7, 2010 at 23:35

    As long as there are women out there like this one, there will be men willing to sleep with them and ruin lives. Its not just about the cheater (who is the most to blame because he/she is married) but its also about the so desperate partner who just has to have someone that they are willing to be with someone who is married to someone else. Its a two way street and both sides are to blame. I’m so ashamed of women who have to have a man so bad they are willing to hurt another woman in the process.


  2. Debbi on April 7, 2010 at 23:37

    As long as there are women out there like this one, there will be men willing to sleep with them and ruin lives. Its not just about the cheater (who is the most to blame because he/she is married) but its also about the so desperate partner who just has to have someone that they are willing to be with someone who is married to someone else. Its a two way street and both sides are to blame. I’m so ashamed of women who have to have a man so bad they are willing to hurt another woman in the process.


    LBG1 Reply:

    According to Hunter,

    It’s all Elizabeth’s fault Hunter became Edwards’ mistress. Hunter tried to argue this in the GQ interview.
    It’s obvious Hunter doesn’t have a clue how idiotic and shopworn this particular argument is.

    Edwards should have run for Village Idiot.


  3. […] Hunter * Rielle Hunter on Oprah: It’s Elizabeth Edwards’ Fault I’m John Edwards’ Mistress * Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well * Oprah: Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour to Appear on Oprah * Rating the Pay-Off’s for […]

  4. […] Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well | DBKP – Death By 1000 Paperc… […]

  5. […] Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well | DBKP – Death By 1000 Paperc… […]

5-Step Real Plan: ObamaCare More Like Prohibiton than Social Security




A lively debate ensued yesterday on whether it’s possible/probable to repeal ObamaCare.

It most certainly is, and readers only have to look at the past to find where Americans repealed another highly-unpopular program that was rammed down their throats by those who thought that Government Knows Best: Prohibition.

The talk of repealing ObamaCare was everywhere in the blogosphere. A quick round-up:

* Michele Bachmann, Big Government: We Must Repeal this Bill!

* Bill Whittle, PajamasMedia: FREE WILL AND DESTINY

* Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard: Special Editorial: Repeal

* Jeffrey H. Anderson, The Corner: The Battle Is Lost, and the War Has Begun

* Ace, AofSHQ: We Can Repeal This

* Paul Hsieh, PajamasMedia: ObamaCare: The Coming Battles

Many commentators–some on the Left, some on the Right–insist that once a historic action (entitlement) is taken, it’s impossible to reverse. Which calls into question how we got rid of the whole repealing Prohibition thing.

Believe it or not, this is the proper comparison of ObamaCare: not Social Security, not Medicare. ObamaCare has more in common with Prohibition.

* Both ObamaCare and Prohibition are “noble experiments” which attempt to regulate personal human behavior by an unwieldy, gargantuan federal apparatus. In fact, Prohibition was known as the “Noble Experiment.”

* Both programs are highly-unpopular with a majority of the population.

* Both programs were promulgated by those who thought that government was smarter than ordinary Americans.

* Both programs are examples of the government’s “forcing you to do something you’d rather not do for your own good” philosophy.

It took a Constitutional amendment to make Prohibition the law of the land. While Nancy Pelosi might insist that the unprecedented government power grabs against its citizens are totally Constitutional (“Are you serious?”), we’ll see.


Read the rest: 5-Step Repeal Plan: ObamaCare is More Like Prohibition than Social Security at DBKP.

[NOTE: The links to all DBKP articles will be reconstructed soon to reflect the articles at Death By 1000 Papercuts @Blogger and cached copies from the server.  In the meantime, sorry for any inconvenience.]