Tag Archives: scandal

Duck Dynasty: Phil Robertson and the Corporate Media

Duck Dynasty: The Media Controversy

Duck Dynasty: The Media Controversy


Phil Robertson, one of the Duck guys from the relentlessly-promoted Duck Dynasty, has been kicked to the curb, purportedly over remarks he made in an interview conducted on his own time.

Now, the fight has escalated, with people who don’t know a duck call from a carburetor, encouraged to feel the outrage and join in the fun that can only be had by expressing that outrage in public.

But seriously: what is this all about?  Why has the Corporate Media chosen to shine it’s worldly spotlight of 24/7 coverage on this event?  There is always a reason.  What is that reason?  Is it because the media desperately wants the folks at home to have the truth?

Is it really about some guy in Louisiana who doesn’t think homosexuals are right with God?  Seriously, there’s a ten-ton truckload of those of a similar mind in Cajun country.

Maybe ten thousand truckloads.

READ MORE: Duck Dynasty: Phil Robertson’s Duck Media Obligation

The latest media manufactured controversy at A&E, involving Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty.

You didn’t think the powers-that-be set up and used the power of their Corporate Media to mercilessly. relentlessly promote Duck Dynasty so a bunch of Louisiana beards could make millions selling duck calls did you?

Rielle Hunter Image Rehab Tour: Almost 100% Negative Comments

Rielle Hunter’s Mistress Rehab Media Image Tour has stopped at GQ and will pull into Oprah’s in 4 more weeks. How’s John Edwards’ mistress doing with the fans? If the comments on articles about her are any guide: not so hot.


2010 Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour Continues

Former mistress and current media manipulator, Rielle Hunter, has booked the second leg of her Image Rehab Tour on Oprah the first week of May. But how was her first stop received? What did readers think of her infamous 10-page GQ interview?

Did Rielle Hunter change any minds out there? We were curious, so we went looking.

But first, a bit of history, for those coming late to the story.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY’s Jeff Labrecque has the conventional wisdom on John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter’s Magical Mistress Make-Over Tour.

Now that Edwards’ political career is kaput, do we really need to grant Hunter a showcase for her version of the tawdry details?

Fair or not, is there anything Hunter can tell Oprah that will improve her public image? Do you even want to hear what she has to say? Will you watch?

That seems to the take from both the Left and Right. Hunter seems to be a lot like medicine: you can only take her in very small doses. The correct dosage for Rielle seems to be smaller than she’s willing to provide.

One can only image what Hunter would be doing today instead of doing Oprah had the media chose to cover the affair back when it was relevant in 2007-08.

ALSO @ DBKP: Oprah: Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour to Appear on Oprah
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: Rielle Hunter Photos, Video
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: The Many Versions of the Rielle Truth
* John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library of DBKP Articles & Videos; over 180 articles and video on the Scandal from December 2007 to the present. [Note: The links to Death By 1000 Papercuts@Blogger will be re-constructed in the near future.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Instead, a total black-out (with the exception of a few lines in the NY Post) of coverage imposed a news vacuum for 10 months–until Edwards gave the go-ahead for his buddies in the media to talk about it by “confessing” on ABC’s Nightline on August 8, 2008.

If the story had been covered from the beginning, Edwards would have bowed out and the soap opera that ensued would not have happened: No Enquirer chasing Edwards around the Beverly Hilton, no tortured non-denial denials, no Nightline lies and drama.

Rielle Hunter would be at best Old News–or no news at all.

No doubt Hunter would be proposing some type of reality show which featured the appearance of her daughter, Frances Quinn. Quinn is the only thing that makes Hunter palatable in print or TV.

And she knows it.

Hence any media must make the trek to Charlotte, NC to interview her at her home–where conveniently, FQ also resides. Frances Q. becomes a topic of conversation during the interview–thus lifting the focus, if for only a few moments–from the frothy narcissism-cum-Eastern mystical cluelessness that makes up Hunter’s persona.

If the EPA regulated auras, there’d be a TOXIC DO NOT ENTER sign nailed to Hunter’s forehead.

But enough. What do readers think?


Here’s some comments from the GQ interview itself. These are representative. After combing through pages, no positive comments on Rielle Hunter were found.

Rielle Hunter seems to be the Richard Nixon of mistresses.

But that’s not an exact parallel: Nixon had his foreign policy admirers.

On to the comments.

BTW, Zara, you mentioned a comparison to Camilla Parker Bowles and I must respectfully disagree. 1. Camilla kept her mouth shut. She never once gave a tell-all interview even after they married. 2. Unlike Johnny & Ms. New Age Hunter, I believe Charles and Camilla clearly loved each other and had a relationship that went far beyond sex. 3. Camilla actually had a means to support herself other than living off a man. (She was heiress to a property development fortune from a grandfather, but even before that, she actually WORKED.) 4. Lastly, Charles actually married Camilla whereas I think there is a better chance of Johnny Boy being elected to public office again than ever marrying this woman.

“You can’t help you fall in love with? BULL. SHIP. Yes you can. You stay away, simple as that. Just because you don’t want to and don’t think its fair blah blah blah doesn’t mean you CAN’T. This woman is like a deluded 15 year old trying to convince herself that it was something magical and special because she knows she did a despicable thing, but if she can convince herself (and everyone else) that it was LOVE and DESTINY and whatever other SPIRITUAL TRUTH crap she wants to spew, then it doesn’t seem so bad. And if that crap was the FACTUAL TRUTH then would he have really denied it and denied her and lied and whatever else? And did the author really call her smart? Because how smart can she be if she sits there and acknowledges all his deliberate and elaborate and intentional lies, and then say she “knows” he would never lie to her? It kills me that these women get this attention. Clearly I am a fool for going to college and having a job instead of just making a career out of being a slut. BLAH.”

Well, kids, we haven’t heard the last of Rielle Hunter. CNN reported today that Oprah is going to interview her. While I wish Oprah would not have agreed to this since it is clear Hunter craves attention, I doubt this is going to be any softball interview. She had Andrew Young on a few months ago and did nothing to hide her disgust over John making that sex tape and lying repeatedly to Elizabeth. Oprah is a helluva lot smarter than Hunter, so it will be interesting to see this!

Read the rest at DBKP: Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well [Cached copy]

Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well

April 7, 2010

By Mondoreb

Comments about Rielle Hunter almost 100% Negative–so far.

Rielle Hunter’s Mistress Rehab Media Image Tour has stopped at GQ and will pull into Oprah’s in 4 more weeks. How’s John Edwards’ mistress doing with the fans? If the comments on articles about her are any guide: not so hot.


2010 Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour Continues

Former mistress and current media manipulator, Rielle Hunter, has booked the second leg of her Image Rehab Tour on Oprah the first week of May. But how was her first stop received? What did readers think of her infamous 10-page GQ interview?

Did Rielle Hunter change any minds out there? We were curious, so we went looking.

But first, a bit of history, for those coming late to the story.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY’s Jeff Labrecque has the conventional wisdom on John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter’s Magical Mistress Make-Over Tour.

Now that Edwards’ political career is kaput, do we really need to grant Hunter a showcase for her version of the tawdry details?

Fair or not, is there anything Hunter can tell Oprah that will improve her public image? Do you even want to hear what she has to say? Will you watch?

That seems to the take from both the Left and Right. Hunter seems to be a lot like medicine: you can only take her in very small doses. The correct dosage for Rielle seems to be smaller than she’s willing to provide.

One can only image what Hunter would be doing today instead of doing Oprah had the media chose to cover the affair back when it was relevant in 2007-08.

ALSO @ DBKP: Oprah: Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour to Appear on Oprah
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: Rielle Hunter Photos, Video
* Rielle Hunter GQ Interview: The Many Versions of the Rielle Truth
* John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library of DBKP Articles & Videos; over 180 articles and video on the Scandal from December 2007 to the present.

Instead, a total black-out (with the exception of a few lines in the NY Post) of coverage imposed a news vacuum for 10 months–until Edwards gave the go-ahead for his buddies in the media to talk about it by “confessing” on ABC’s Nightline on August 8, 2008.If the story had been covered from the beginning, Edwards would have bowed out and the soap opera that ensued would not have happened: No Enquirer chasing Edwards around the Beverly Hilton, no tortured non-denial denials, no Nightline lies and drama.

Rielle Hunter would be at best Old News–or no news at all.

No doubt Hunter would be proposing some type of reality show which featured the appearance of her daughter, Frances Quinn. Quinn is the only thing that makes Hunter palatable in print or TV.

And she knows it.

Hence any media must make the trek to Charlotte, NC to interview her at her home–where conveniently, FQ also resides. Frances Q. becomes a topic of conversation during the interview–thus lifting the focus, if for only a few moments–from the frothy narcissism-cum-Eastern mystical cluelessness that makes up Hunter’s persona.

If the EPA regulated auras, there’d be a TOXIC DO NOT ENTER sign nailed to Hunter’s forehead.

But enough. What do readers think?


Here’s some comments from the GQ interview itself. These are representative. After combing through pages, no positive comments on Rielle Hunter were found.

Rielle Hunter seems to be the Richard Nixon of mistresses.

But that’s not an exact parallel: Nixon had his foreign policy admirers.

On to the comments.

BTW, Zara, you mentioned a comparison to Camilla Parker Bowles and I must respectfully disagree. 1. Camilla kept her mouth shut. She never once gave a tell-all interview even after they married. 2. Unlike Johnny & Ms. New Age Hunter, I believe Charles and Camilla clearly loved each other and had a relationship that went far beyond sex. 3. Camilla actually had a means to support herself other than living off a man. (She was heiress to a property development fortune from a grandfather, but even before that, she actually WORKED.) 4. Lastly, Charles actually married Camilla whereas I think there is a better chance of Johnny Boy being elected to public office again than ever marrying this woman.

“You can’t help you fall in love with? BULL. SHIP. Yes you can. You stay away, simple as that. Just because you don’t want to and don’t think its fair blah blah blah doesn’t mean you CAN’T. This woman is like a deluded 15 year old trying to convince herself that it was something magical and special because she knows she did a despicable thing, but if she can convince herself (and everyone else) that it was LOVE and DESTINY and whatever other SPIRITUAL TRUTH crap she wants to spew, then it doesn’t seem so bad. And if that crap was the FACTUAL TRUTH then would he have really denied it and denied her and lied and whatever else? And did the author really call her smart? Because how smart can she be if she sits there and acknowledges all his deliberate and elaborate and intentional lies, and then say she “knows” he would never lie to her? It kills me that these women get this attention. Clearly I am a fool for going to college and having a job instead of just making a career out of being a slut. BLAH.”

Well, kids, we haven’t heard the last of Rielle Hunter. CNN reported today that Oprah is going to interview her. While I wish Oprah would not have agreed to this since it is clear Hunter craves attention, I doubt this is going to be any softball interview. She had Andrew Young on a few months ago and did nothing to hide her disgust over John making that sex tape and lying repeatedly to Elizabeth. Oprah is a helluva lot smarter than Hunter, so it will be interesting to see this!

“For what it’s worth, I wholeheartedly approve of this article. Tabloids have made Rielle Hunter out to be a jaundiced predator, but now I know better: she’s actually an honest, attractive, spiritual woman who’s not afraid to tell the truth. Also, the photos give her a millenial Princess Di aura. Congrats, G.Q.”
–ctb 16

“There is an awful lot of moralistic, holier than thou, rhetoric going on here. Yes, John definitely made many mistakes, the biggest that he should have divorced 1st but he dragged others along…not only his family but Rielle as well”

Rielle was not dragged into anything. Rielle is a happy participant who knew exactly what she was getting into when she cornered Edwards in front of the Regency hotel. Rielle is the reason that John Edwards may even go to jail. To call that a chance at happiness is ridiculous.

“I just read this article in my GQ and if people didn’t already think Hunter was an idiot they probably do now! Just reading it I was thinking are you really that stupid and naive. She constantly says she was not a mistress, but only playing a role as one…what the hell does that mean? Women you are a mistress! She must be the queen of denial! She takes no responsibility for her actions. She says it wasn’t about sex…then what the hell was it? If he wouldn’t have been John Edwards she wouldn’t have looked twice at him…that is what is the sad part about this to me. What I don’t get is how a women can have such little self respect for herself? Does she not realize he has probably had tons of mistresses and told them all the same thing…like Tiger Woods was doing. She isn’t special…if she was special to Edwards he would have wanted her to keep the baby (which in the interview it didn’t sound like that was the case) and he would have already left his wife a long time ago and married her…he still hasn’t married her and he probably never will! Why would he when he can have his cake and eat it too! Hunter should read the new Jackie Collins best seller called “Poor Little Bitch Girl” she would relate very well with the character of Carolyn…”

The early returns are in and they don’t look good for Hunter being able to use Oprah as a vehicle for her rehabilitation. From Oprah Welcomes John Edwards Mistress at Gawker:

“The title should read “Oprah Welcomes John Edwards’ Mistress and Is Immediately Overcome by the Need to Shower with a Sandblaster.””

I wonder if Oprah will let her get away with spewing that New Age b.s. She takes no responsibility for her actions. She helped to ruin several people’s lives including four children. Edwards is definitely a slimy asshole but she sees this as a love story and the cancer stricken wife is just a speed bump.

OPRAH WINFREY NABS EDWARDS MISTRESS FIRST TV INTERVIEW – ENQUIRER WORLD EXCLUSIVE! Oprah Winfrey has nabbed John Edwards’ mistress Rielle Hunter for her first TV interview!

“Fame whoring is a good color on you, Ms. Hunter.”

I don’t care if they roll footage of her saving puppies from a burning building while adopting orphans and bathing lepers, she’ll still be the cheap slut that stole cancer woman’s husband.

“Wow, although I consider myself an Oprah fan, this is enough to make me reconsider. Especially is she treats this woman with any measure of politeness or sympatico. If she doesn’t rip ol’ Rielle a new one, I won’t know what to say about Oprah.”

“So Reille. Am I pronouncing that correctly? I am? I’m not? Whatever. Let me ask you this: Will you ever tell your bastard child about the dirty pregnant fuck vid you shot with his dad, while he was married to a cancer-stricken woman?”


So what does this all mean? That most people enjoy a train wreck? That only mean people comment on Internet stories? That Rielle Hunter has a very steep, maybe impossible, hill to climb?

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a slow news day?

OR is it all of the above?

NOTE: Readers may think that we’re being too hard on Hunter. Maybe. Maybe not. Here’s an interesting experiment (for those with the time and inclination, admittedly a small audience): Google “Rielle Hunter” in Google News. Pick a random article or two and check out the comments. If you can find any positive ones, you’re doing better than us.

by Mondo Frazier
image: DBKP file

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6 Responses to Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well


  1. Debbi on April 7, 2010 at 23:35

    As long as there are women out there like this one, there will be men willing to sleep with them and ruin lives. Its not just about the cheater (who is the most to blame because he/she is married) but its also about the so desperate partner who just has to have someone that they are willing to be with someone who is married to someone else. Its a two way street and both sides are to blame. I’m so ashamed of women who have to have a man so bad they are willing to hurt another woman in the process.


  2. Debbi on April 7, 2010 at 23:37

    As long as there are women out there like this one, there will be men willing to sleep with them and ruin lives. Its not just about the cheater (who is the most to blame because he/she is married) but its also about the so desperate partner who just has to have someone that they are willing to be with someone who is married to someone else. Its a two way street and both sides are to blame. I’m so ashamed of women who have to have a man so bad they are willing to hurt another woman in the process.


    LBG1 Reply:

    According to Hunter,

    It’s all Elizabeth’s fault Hunter became Edwards’ mistress. Hunter tried to argue this in the GQ interview.
    It’s obvious Hunter doesn’t have a clue how idiotic and shopworn this particular argument is.

    Edwards should have run for Village Idiot.


  3. […] Hunter * Rielle Hunter on Oprah: It’s Elizabeth Edwards’ Fault I’m John Edwards’ Mistress * Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well * Oprah: Rielle Hunter Mistress Rehab Media Tour to Appear on Oprah * Rating the Pay-Off’s for […]

  4. […] Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well | DBKP – Death By 1000 Paperc… […]

  5. […] Rielle Hunter Comments: Mistress Image Rehab Tour Not Doing Well | DBKP – Death By 1000 Paperc… […]

John Edwards: Many Big Edwards Backers Got March Refunds from Campaign

John Edwards’ Two Americas?
The Multi-Millionaire Trial Attorneys and Bundlers Who Got their Money Refunded;
The Working Stiffs Who Were Kept in the Dark

Two Americas

* The John Edwards’ campaign has already refunded $3,831,398 to contributors–many who contributed the maximum of $2300.
* 2,247 donors have already received money back from the John Edwards–many who are trial attorneys and political “bundlers”–and most received it back on March 24.
* Refunds to small donors under $100 have accounted for only 1/5th of one percent, so far, according to Open Secrets.com.
* The Edwards campaign still has $4,791,200 cash on hand, according to its July 31, 2008 filing.
* There are no instructions on the Edwards’ campaign website for applying for a refund, though the campaign is still taking donations on the same site. It may be that refunds will be issued on a “first come, first serve” basis, but that is speculation. More on the refund process in a DBKP story to be published later Monday.

For any readers who gave money to the John Edwards’ campaign and are now upset that perhaps that hard-earned $50 or $100 (or more) went to pay for Rielle Hunter’s stay in the tony Governor’s Club, or for Edwards operative, Andrew Young, whose BWM that Hunter drove for awhile–as has been reported in the National Enquirer: there’s hope yet to recover that money.

While searching for info on another John Edwards’ story, DBKP’s LBG uncovered something previously unreported in the media: the Edwards’ campaign made a number of refunds to campaign contributors on March 24. Most were large contributors–trial attorneys and political contribution bundlers–and many received $2300, or more, back from the Edwards’ campaign. Many not only received refunds for themselves, but members of their families who had contributed, also received checks from the campaign in March.

For a candidate that ran on a “Two Americas” theme, when it came time for refunds, only One America got campaign refund checks, while the other America was kept in the dark.

Until now.

* Edwards ‘08 For President Bundlers Who Received Refunds
* Edwards’ Campaign Quietly Refunds Contributions to Bundlers, Big Backers]

DBKP Expose

Warren Buffet told CNBC last week: “I’ve seen a lot of class-action suits with less to it than this particular case. The facts are clear. I mean, he [John Edwards] solicited money and he wasn’t telling the truth to the people he was soliciting it from.”

Buffet was talking class action, but DBKP has learned that the Edwards’ campaign has refunded $3,831,398–the bulk of it back on March 24, when the campaign quietly issued refunds to the vast majority of the 2,247 who’ve received their money back.

Many of those receiving refunds were big trial attorneys and bundlers–those political money men/women who round up boatloads of cash for a candidate’s campaign.

One such bundler was Atlanta attorney, Stephen Leeds. He received $2300 back on March 24. Apparently, at least one of the contributors–who gave Leeds $750 of her money for Edwards–has not received any money back from the campaign.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported in a story Sunday of one such former Edwards’ backer who wants her money back.

“That’s money I could have put in my children’s college fund,” state Rep. Stephanie Stuckey Benfield (D-Atlanta) said of her contributions to Edwards.

Continue reading: John Edwards Scandal: Many Big Edwards Donors Got Refunds in March

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards Scandal: Many Big Edwards Donors Got Refunds in March

John Edwards Affair: John Edwards’ Scandal Stories Updated

Updated John Edwards Scandal Library includes additional stories added since the original stories from December 2007 through May 2008 were posted to DBKP’s WordPress blog.

UPDATED: August 16, 2008

August 16, 2008

* John Edwards Affair: When Private Lives Become Public Lies

August 15, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal Photo: John and Elizabeth Edwards with Rielle Hunter Dec 30, 2006 – Exclusive DBKP Photo!

* John Edwards Scandal: Silly Edwards’ News Before Things Turn Serious

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer, Blogosphere Vs. Mainstream Media

August 14, 2008

* John Edwards Affair: The Strange Behavior of Rielle Hunter and Andrew Young

* John Edwards Scandal: Bob McGovern the Enquirer’s “Inside Man”?

* John Edwards Scandal: Rielle Hunter, Edwards Photos from December 2006

August 13, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Who is ALJDJDD, Mystery Editor of Rielle Hunter’s Wikipedia Page?

* John Edwards Scandal: Copying Continues As Rielle Hunter Web Info Keeps Vanishing

* December Ross, DBKP Edwards’ Story Confirmed by MSM

* John Edwards Scandal: Who in the Edwards’ Campaign Ran the Cover Up? UPDATED

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Pounds More Nails in Edwards’ Coffin

August 12, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Lost Nightline Video Footage?

* John Edwards Scandal: NY Times’ Info Theft Noted

August 11, 2008

* John Edwards Affair: Fred Baron – The Ties that Bind

* Mainstream Media Uses Blogosphere as Unpaid Research Wing in Edwards Scandal – UPDATED

August 10, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal, Left Blogs: No Edwards, None of the Time

* Edwards Affair: Edwards Claims Enquirer Love Child Photo a Fake

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Continues Deception in Interview

* John Edwards Scandal: The Many Faces of Contrition

August 9, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Sister Asks Edwards to Stop Bad-mouthing Rielle Hunter – UPDATED

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Statement, Interview Admits Little

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Defends Affair with Supermarket Tabloid Credibility Card

August 8, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Releases Statement to Press

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Admits Affair, Lies, to ABC News

* John Edwards Scandal: WSJ Ties Media Woes to Scandal Non-Coverage

* John Edwards Scandal: LA Times Lifts Embargo on Edwards Scandal News

August 7 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Is Fred Baron the Enquirer ‘Hush Money Man’?

* John Edwards Scandal: The Myth of the Edwards’ Denials

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Alleges Reille Hunter Resided with Youngs in CA

* John Edwards Scandal: Money Man is Wealthy Dem Fundraiser

* John Edwards Scandal: Dems Worry, Call on Edwards To Come Forward

* John Edwards Scandal: Where in the World is John Edwards?

August 6 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Photos Give MSM a BIG Smoking Gun

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Print Trumps Digital- JOHN Edwards Photos

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Releases Photos of Edwards and Love Child

August 5 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Whatever Happened to Andrew Young? – UPDATES

* John Edwards Scandal: Media Coverage Mixed; MSM Waits on Enquirer

August 4 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: June 2007 a Month of Coincidence for John Edwards

* John Edwards Scandal: DailyKOS Bans Stranahan for Writing About Edwards

August 3, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: March Mystery of Edwards’ Non-Endorsement Revisited

August 2, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: DailyKOS Readers Now Know; Others Remain In the Dark

August 1, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: “Scandal Brewing” First TV Mention in NC

* John Edwards Scandal: KC Writer Cites “Veiled Threats”, Denials as Likely

* John Edwards Scandal: Did Hillary Use Scandal to Force Edwards Out of the Race?

July 31, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Birth Certificates, NBA Players and the Waking of the MSM

* John Edwards Scandal: Bob McGovern, International Man of Mystery

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Bolts from Reporters Once Again

July 30, 2008

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Editor, David Perel “We Drew the Media a Road Map”

* John Edwards Scandal: Love Child’s Name, Sex Revealed; Hush Money Paid

* John Edwards Love Child: Wikipedia Editor Defends Go-Slow Policies On Edwards Entry

July 29, 2008

* John Edwards Love Child Scandal: Debate at Wikipedia Rages

July 28, 2008

* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child Scandal: The Video

* John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Love Child: U.K. Papers Help Break Media Blockade

July 27, 2008

* MSM Stealing Blog Content: Times Online Joining Growing MSM Trend?

July 25, 2008

* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child: Fox New Confirms Natl. Enquirer Story with UPDATES 1, 2 and 3

* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child: Fifteen Quotes to Watch a Coming Media Circus By

* John Edwards Love Child: Natl. Enquirer Reporters File Criminal Charges

* John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Gary Hart: Video Denial Trifecta

* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Affair: Love Child Scandal Jokes

* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child: LA Times Censors Reporters on Story

July 24, 2008

* Edwards Love Child: Worst Denial Video Ever

July 23, 2008

* John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Love Child: Houston Reporter Asks Edwards – Video

* John Edwards Affair: Interview with David Perel, Editor-in-Chief of the National Enquirer

* John Edwards, Obama VP Chances: From the Short List to the Sh*t List

* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child: Story about to Enter MSM? UPDATES #1 & 2

* John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Love Child: What if they Gave a Scandal and Nobody Came?

July 22, 2008

* John Edwards and Love Child Mom Rielle Hunter Rendezvous in LA

* John Edwards Love Child, Rielle Hunter: Edwards Runs Into Men’s Room Fleeing Enquirer

* John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Love Child: Edwards Caught but MSM Just Now Catching Up

* John Edwards Love Child Scandal: Edward Caught with Mistress and Love Child

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library

John Edwards Affair: Who in the Campaign Ran the Cover Up?

Who in the John Edwards Campaign Ran the Rielle Hunter Cover Up?

Who Began the Cover Up with an Attempt to Scrub the Web Clean of Rielle Hunter References?

Operation included Jets, Multi-Million Dollar Houses, Gated Communities and Hush Money

John Edwards Scandal Cover Up

Another Mystery for the Late-charging Media

Who in the John Edwards’ campaign started the cover up of Edwards’ affair with Rielle Hunter? It was an operation that costs millions and involved a web of schemes that are still unraveling. It’s a question the media hasn’t heavily explored, but it has to be on the agenda, now that they’re onto the story.

The cover up began with the erasing of information about Hunter from the Internet; progressed later to moving Hunter from the NYC area to North Carolina within five miles of the Edwards campaign headquarters and setting her up in houses owned by Edwards’ backers; and, at one point involved millionaire trial lawyer, Fred Baron, and the revelations that millions were spent jetting Hunter and Edwards’ campaign operative–and fall guy–across the country to reside in multi-million dollar houses.

Hunter and Young, according to reports, have also been receiving hush money payments to keep their mouths shut.

Who initiated all of this? Where did that money come from?

[More background and Edwards scandal information: Over 80 stories since December on the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Scandal and Cover up at DBKP in the John Edwards Love Child Library.]

John Edwards said he was unaware of any attempts to hide his affair with Hunter.

So did friend and big backer, Fred Baron, according to his statement: Baron was just helping out old friend friends and John Edwards didn’t know about it. In light of the flood of information now coming out, Edwards’ claims haven’t held up very well. It’s likely that Baron’s statements will also have a hard time standing up under the increased scrutiny.

Hunter and Young aren’t talking–yet.

Prediction: Andrew Young will be the first to crack. As a one-time Edwards campaign Director of Finance, he’s on the hook for many of the improprieties–and he’s likely, at some point, to be reminded of this unpleasant fact. In fact, the Equirer reported in December that Young vehemently denied that campaign money was being used for Hunter expenses. Doug Ross pointed out at the time, “What an odd denial! Who accused Young of funneling campaign funds to support Rielle in the first place? I wonder if any member of our crack mainstream media will bother to check into this interesting thread?”

Ross asked that question on December 27. It remained rhetorical in nature until eight months later.

DBKP’s crack research department turned in a memo which made us drop all other items and get cracking on this story.

…went back and read Sam Stein’s piece in the HuffPo about the missing campaign videos from Sep 27th of last year. Nobody in the MSM seems to be questioning the timeline on this aspect of the coverup. Stein published his piece reporting that the videos had been pulled two weeks before the Enquirer broke the affair story, and was getting the runaround from Jonathan Prince at the Edwards campaign with some bullshit about campaign finance law. Plus other people from the Edwards campaign were telling the worker bees at Midline Groove Productions to shut the hell up about the Hunter videos, according to Stein.

I guess one possible explanation is that the Enquirer was maybe already asking the campaign questions about Hunter before Stein published his story on 27 Sept, which got them antsy about the whole thing.

Which started a search through DBKP’s John Edwards archives. We’ve been reporting since December on the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter affair and the twin real scandals: the Edwards’ campaign cover up and the Mainstream Media blackout, which included a failure to investigate hard facts unearthed by the National Enquirer.

We’ll deal with the media scandal another day.

References to Make Any Campaign Nervous

The scrubbing clean of all references to Rielle Hunter obviously began before Stein’s piece, which came out at Huffington Post on September 26, 2007. Her “webisode” videos disappeared before the Stein story appeared. Stein relates some of the difficulties he’d encountered tracking down these videos from the people involved in making them.

Who else was involved? Credits from the webisode still on the Business Week site listed three additional production assistants. One of them, Sam Cullman, said he could not talk to me but lauded Edwards for his openness. Another assistant, Nick Chatfield, said on the first call to my editor that he wished the movies were available because he could use the publicity. On the second call (having evidently checked back with Hunter or the Edwards campaign), Chatfield said, “Don’t call me again.”

Remember Nick Chatfield: his name will come up later.

Stein also wrote about the stonewall he’d run into with the Edwards campaign.

Jonathan Prince offered to let me and my editor, Tom Edsall, watch the videos – apparently unaware that at one point his campaign claimed not to have access to them. But there was a proviso: we could only view the videos in Prince’s presence.

When did the Rielle Hunter web cover up begin? The Edwards’ campaign had to be as nervous as Don King in a barber shop when they saw the New York Post’s now-famous blind item on August 27, 2007: [Last reported in John Edwards Scandal: Sister Asks Edwards to Stop Bad-mouthing Rielle Hunter – UPDATED“]

“WHICH political candidate enjoys visiting New York because he has a girlfriend who lives downtown? The pol tells her he’ll marry her when his current wife is out of the picture.”

DBKP speculated months ago–correctly, it turns out–that the Post could have only been referring to John Edwards and Rielle Hunter. The Post confirmed this on August 9, 2008 in EDWARDS BLIND NO MORE.

WE hate to say we told you so, and we normally never reveal the identities in our blind items, but in light of John Edwards’ finally admitting he had an extramarital affair, we bring your attention to our “Just asking” item of Aug. 27, 2007…

Our best guess is that the Edwards campaign then got busy and was just one step ahead of Sam Stein. The webisodes disappeared, as did other Hunter info at the NY Screen Actors Guild.

But, in July, the Enquirer Editor-in-Chief, David Perel, referred to the Enquirer’s “one-year” investigation [John Edwards Affair: Interview with David Perel, Editor-in-Chief of the National Enquirer, among others]. So, the Edwards camp most likely knew that questions were being asked about Hunter and her involvement with the campaign, before the Post piece appeared on August 27, 2007.

The Helpful Hand of the Disgruntled Employee

Who was thwarting efforts to erase the videos on-line?

The DBKP Research Dept. weighs in again:

Continue reading: John Edwards Scandal: Who in the Edwards’ Campaign Ran the Cover Up?

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards Scandal: Who in the Edwards’ Campaign Ran the Cover Up?

John Edwards Affair: Rielle Hunter’s Family Challenges Edwards to Paternity Test

Edwards Casts Aspersions at More than the Enquirer during ABC Interview

John Edwards
Edwards to Big Media: “Okay, you can talk about it now.”

[hat tip: dossier]

John Edwards has now officially been put on notice.

The family of Rielle Hunter wants Edwards to put up or shut up.

UPDATES to follow at the end of story, throughout August 9, 2008.
UPDATE #1 – 1345 EDT August 9 2008 – Class Action?
UPDATE #2 – 14:55 EDT – Better Psychics
UPDATE #3 – 15:35 -AP Tries to Explain to Readers Why were Kept in the dark Until Edwards gave his approval & The Readers Speak
UPDATE #4: 15:48 EDT – NE’s Perel Fires Back at Edwards
UPDATE #5: 16:25 EDT – Mainstream Media PR “news” departments work overtime

During his televised interview, the ex-presidential candidate painted everyone, including his unnamed mistress Rielle Hunter, as somehow sinister. Edwards, caught leaving the Beverly Hilton after a meeting with the Enquirer’s reporters on July 22, also took shots at unnamed “supermarket tabloids.”

The Enquirer published its response to Edwards by labeling his interview a “confession”. [JOHN EDWARDS ADMITS AFFAIR!]

As far as being the father of Hunter’s love child, you might as well go all the way now, Johnny Boy.

Submit to a DNA test.

Now, ABC News is reporting that the Mistress’ Family Challenges Edwards to Take DNA Test.

Hunter’s sister, Melissa, has been reported by ABC News in an Enquirer-type sub-headline as saying, “‘Stop Bad-Mouthing My Sister'”.


Click on banner to access over 70 DBKP stories and videos on the John Edwards scandal.

ABC also quoted Hunter’s sister as saying, “Somebody must stand up and defend my sister.

“I wish that those involved would refrain from bad-mouthing my sister,”–not naming Edwards, in the same way he avoided naming Rielle Hunter in his ABC appearance.

“Ironically, now, its John Edwards who’s the one making allegations,” wrote one reader, “without offering any more proof than his word–and he’s shown how much we can all trust that.”

UPDATE #1: 1345 EDT Class Action against Edwards?

Ted Frank at Overlawyered wonders, “Where’s a trial lawyer when you need one?” [Yes, I’m being facetious]:

Where’s the trial lawyer bringing a class action on behalf of all of the people who were defrauded when they gave money to John Edwards’s presidential campaign? It’s certainly a much more plausible claim of causation, reliance, and financial injury than the typical class action.

If Frank were the prosecutor in the court of public opinion, Edwards’ interview would get 30 days in the electric chair.

“Alas, ABC didn’t ask the right follow-up questions, such as how Edwards thought meeting Hunter in a hotel room would help keep the story quiet.”

Frank has other penetrating questions for Edwards. We’ll let him present them.

UPDATES 2-6 and later at DBKP.com:
John Edwards Scandal: Sister Asks Edwards to Stop Bad-mouthing Rielle Hunter – UPDATED

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards Scandal: Sister Asks Edwards to Stop Bad-mouthing Rielle Hunter – UPDATED

John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Admits Affair with Rielle Hunter

In what some may label a coldly-calculated political move, John Edwards has now admitted that he had an affair, but did not father Rielle Hunter’s daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter.


Click on banner to access over 60 DBKP stories and videos on the John Edwards scandal.

In an interview with ABC News Nightline admitted that he had an affair with Rielle Hunter and lied about it while campaigning for President.

In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 44-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he did not love her.

Edwards also denied he was the father of Hunter’s baby girl, Frances Quinn, although the one-time Democratic Presidential candidate said he has not taken a paternity test.

Ironically, the announcement by Edwards on ABC was the first mention of the scandal, which has been brewing for nearly a year, about which the network’s viewers have heard.

Just a few days after leading Democrats called for Edwards to deny the affair or risk losing a prime speaking spot at the Democrat National Convention, Edwards did not deny the affair–something he has not done since a November 29, 2007 interview.

The political calculus is: Edwards hopes that his admission of having an affair will allow the incident to blow over, allowing him to procede with his political career.

According to ABC News, which has refused to report on the event previously, “Edwards said he knew he was not the father based on timing of the baby’s birth on February 27, 2008. He said his affair ended too soon for him to have been the father.”

The announcement may prove to raise more questions than it answered.

One question which immediately comes to mind: What was Edwards doing leaving the Bevrly Hilton at 2:40 in the morning, visiting a woman he says he did not love and her baby, which he says he did not father?

[NOTE: Due to extraordinarily high traffic at the moment, our ability to post is being hampered, however, we are able to post–it’s just taking us a longer time. Readers may want to visit our Blogger and WordPress sites: DBKP@Blogger and DBKP@WordPress where we are cross-posting the Edwards’ article also.

UPDATES to follow at DBKP.com

by Mondoreb

John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Scandal: Clinton Used Scandle To Force Edwards Out?

Edwards Flees Reporters–Again

What did John Edwards and Hillary Clinton
Discuss in the Phone Call before Hillary announced
Edwards’ Withdrawal from the 2008 Race?

Does Hillary Read the Enquirer?

Hillary\'s Latest Message to the Faithful

Does Hillary Clinton read the Enquirer?

Did Hillary Clinton know what the major news organizations knew back in December, but didn’t report on: namely, that John Edwards had a problem–a “love child” problem?

Did she “suggest” that Edwards get out of the race–which surprised some observers–or she would start asking some questions of her own?

It now becomes clearer: if Hillary Clinton had started publicly asking “love child” questions back in February before Super Tuesday, that would have forced the press to cover the allegations.

The same allegations that the press could ignore–as long as the National Enquirer and small parts of the Blogosphere were the only ones asking those questions. As long as one of their own didn’t break the cone of silence placed around the story by the traditional press, Edwards was free to continue his campaign for the presidency.

Does Hillary Clinton read the Enquirer?

Back on January 31, DBKP’s LBG reported that it was Hillary Clinton, rather than Edwards, that first announced his withdrawal from the Democrat primaries. [Hillary Clinton Announces Edwards’ Exit, Was it the Right Price?]

Hillary announced Edwards was dropping out of the race in an AM interview, while Edwards’ own announcement came later in the day in New Orleans.

All sappiness regarding Edwards aside, the more interesting story was tagged onto the end of Hillary Clinton’s “announcement” during an interview this morning with King5 News in Seattle.

Despite the fact that Edwards had not made a formal or informal announcement that he was dropping out of the presidential race, Hillary told the King5 News Team that Edwards had called her on the phone to tell her that he was dropping out.

Hillary gave a glowing referral to Edward’s campaign while giving her own stump speech as to why Edward’s supporters should support her.

We wondered what was behind the scenes with Hillary and Edwards little telephone talk and whether Edwards knew Hillary would be announcing his departure from the race.

We also wondered if any deals had been made, if Edwards was given any promises of future positions within the Hillary cabinet, perhaps even the V-P slot.

We were surprised to hear of Edwards’ impending departure as Edwards had said he was going to stick to his campaign all the way, even if he failed to score in next week’s Super Tuesday, that he intended to ride his campaign bus to the doors of the Democrat’s convention held in Denver in late August.

We saw a different side to Edwards than the AP reporter, Nedra Pickler, did.

John Edwards Love Child Scandal
Welcome to the EnquireOSphere

It’s likely we still do.

LBG asked some questions, in that story, about a possible deal.

Continue reading: John Edwards Scandal: Did Hillary Use Scandal to Force Edwards Out of the Race?


* John Edwards Scandal: KC Writer Cites “Veiled Threats”, Denials as Likely

* John Edwards Scandal: Did Hillary Use Scandal to Force Edwards Out of the Race?

* John Edwards Scandal: Birth Certificates, NBA Players and the Waking of the MSM

* John Edwards Scandal: Edwards Bolts from Reporters Once Again

* John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Editor, David Perel “We Drew the Media a Road Map”

* John Edwards Scandal: Love Child’s Name, Sex Revealed; Hush Money Paid


* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Child Scandal: The Video
The scandal in one 3-minute video!

* John Edwards Affair: Interview with David Perel, Editor-in-Chief of the National Enquirer

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards Scandal: Did Hillary Use Scandal to Force Edwards Out of the Race?

Mondoreb blogs at Death By 1000 Papercuts. Interested readers can e-mail him at

John Edwards Scandal – Enquirer’s Perel to the MSM: Do Some Reporting

span style=”font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;font-size:130%;” >”We drew ’em a road map to the story. All they had to do was follow it and do a little basic reporting. We did it. Fox did it. They can, too–if they want to.”
–David Perel, Editor-in-Chief, National Enquirer,
on the Mainstream Media failure to check out the John Edwards affair and cover-up

DBKP’s 2nd Interview covers:

* David Perel on the National Enquirer’s latest allegations in the John Edwards scandal [EDWARDS’ HU$H MONEY TO MISTRESS], which involve hush money being funneled to Rielle Hunter, their baby and former Edwards Director of Finance, Andrew Young, who earlier claimed he was the father.

* When the pictures are coming out
* Whether there is a video of the whole Beverly Hilton episode
* Why the story is important

DBKP talked to David Perel today, and the National Enquirer’s Editor-in-Chief had a little advice for slack-jawed competitors in the news biz who dismiss the story [John Edwards Love Child Scandal] because it appeared first in the Enquirer.

“Try doing a little basic reporting. Do the work. Prove us wrong.”

UPDATES to follow at end of story.
UPDATE #1: 6:25 EDT July 30 2008

A week after the National Enquirer’s reporting team cornered John Edwards in a Beverly Hilton men’s room, not a word about the growing scandal has appeared in the New York Times.

Nor on CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, or in the pages of Time or Newsweek.

Four days after Fox News confirmed the confrontation by interviewing a security guard at the Beverly Hilton, we’re assured by the LA Times that their “Metro Desk is on it”.

No word from the Times Metro Desk on what they’ve uncovered. To our knowledge, the memo that Times Blog Editor, Tony Pearce, circulated to his reporters not to mention the scandal on-line, hasn’t been rescinded.

No Denial from Edwards

A trial lawyer–one who has built his fortune and spent his life suing others–is accused of fathering an illegitimate child while running for president. He’s later caught in the Beverly Hilton visiting his mistress and their love child, then runs from the Enquirer’s reporters.

All together: juicy lawsuit time.

If the story is false.

Yet, Edwards hasn’t threatened to take action against the Enquirer. What does this say?

David Perel just chuckled at the question–then hinted at more to come.

“We have a little more up our sleeve.”

Perez Hilton [Hu$h Little Mistre$$] , scooped the New York Times and CNN on this story–merely by mentioning it. He asks the same questions as DBKP:

Johnny boy has yet to make a comment about the shenanigans asserted by the Enquirer.

Why not?

What do y’all think????

John Edwards

The Photos

What about the lack of coverage by the respectable press, and one report that the Mainstream Media is waiting for photos from the Enquirer before they’ll cover the story?

“I thought Gawker wrote it beautifully this morning.”

He then read the following passage from Ryan Tate’s piece, “Edwards Mistress’ Hush Money: $15,000/Month

Also via Radar (see prior link), the Washington Post and Huffington Post are anxiously awaiting pictures from the Enquirer’s reporting, because it’s not enough that Edwards isn’t denying the affair or love child, Hunter isn’t denying the affair or love child, a team of Enquirer reporters saw Edwards go in and out of the hotel to visit the love child and a security guard confirmed to Fox News that Edwards hid from the Enquirer team just like the tabloid said.

The publications are also hungry for photos even though pictures of Edwards in or near a hotel will prove precisely nothing scandalous, in and of themselves. Talk about missing the point.

As DBKP’s LBG pointed out: “The MSM is waiting for the Enquirer to release photos to legitimize the story of an illegitimate baby.”

We agree. The mainstream press wants the Enquirer to do all the heavy lifting on the story, then, after the photos are published, tag along for the ride.

Their reasoning seems to be: the story is in the Enquirer. The Enquirer’s not credible, so the story’s not credible. But, when the Enquirer publishes the photos (You mean, in the same Enquirer that’s not credible?), then we’ll decide that it’s credible enough to run with.

Got that?

We asked Perel about the MSM’s call for photos. How about it?

“We’re on our schedule. Because we’re the only ones that pursued the story, they can’t get it anywhere else. We’re on our schedule and no one else’s. We’ve been leading the way on this. You want to see more? Go out and do your own reporting.”

This was as Radar reported Perel saying yesterday [Where Are the John Edwards Photos?]

“But no one will dictate the time-table for when we release our unpublished material. We’ve been setting the agenda, and will continue doing so.”

Today, he added, “We drew ’em a road map to the story. All they had to do was follow it and do a little basic reporting. We did it. Fox did it. They can, too–if they want to.”

What about rumors that the Enquirer is in possession of video footage of Edwards running from the Enquirer’s reporters and hiding in the bathroom at the Beverly Hilton?

Perel thought about it and chuckled again.

“Hmmmm. We…we’re not done. That’s all I’m saying. We’ll see.”

Which would provide the MSM with at least one other excuse for not covering the story.

Maybe they’re waiting for the movie.

Why hasn’t Edwards denied the Enquirer’s allegations since December, when the tabloid named Rielle Hunter as the mother of their love child?

Perel didn’t hesitate.

“He can’t.”

Finally, what do you say to those who say that Edwards is no longer running for public office, so this is “not news”?

Continue reading and updates: John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Editor, David Perel “We Drew the Media a Road Map”

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards Scandal: Enquirer Editor, David Perel “We Drew the Media a Road Map”

John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Affair: U.K. Papers Publish Edwards Scandal Stories

The New York Times cites the “public’s right to know” every time they reveal national security documents that aid and abet terrorists. However, when it comes to the John Edwards affair, the “public’s right to know” be damned.
–R.E. Bierce

John Edwards Love Child Scandal

The state of the media coverage–or rather, non-coverage–six days after the National Enquirer’s reporters catch John Edwards at the Beverly Hilton visiting his mistress and their love child.

Independent, Times Run American MSM Blockade on Edwards Affair News

Two daily newspapers from the U.K. cover the news the American mainstream media won’t. More specifically, the John Edwards Love Child news.

The Independent Sunday edition contained “Love child and mistress claims hit Edwards“, while the Times also offered major coverage.

Guy Adams of the Independent has an entertaining account of the affair.

Amid scenes more suited to a Benny Hill sketch than the corridors of a luxury hotel, two journalists and a photographer chased Mr Edwards – whose wife Elizabeth is battling incurable cancer – around the building for several minutes. He eventually went to ground in the men’s lavatory for a quarter of an hour, before being escorted from the premises by security staff.

The incident was reported in lurid detail by The Enquirer, and followed up in dozens of America’s influential political blogs and news websites, which claimed that Mr Edwards and Ms Hunter were filmed entering the hotel room at 9.30pm.

The country’s upmarket newspapers and major broadcasters refused to investigate The National Enquirer’s claims. Tony Pierce, the editor of The Los Angeles Times, went so far as to order staff “not to cover the rumours or salacious speculations”. Its unofficial blackout appeared to be holding firm until Friday night, when the presenters of Fox’s 9pm talk show, Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes, ran a report that confirmed several major details of the Beverly Hilton incident, and asked: “Why were the reporters chasing Edwards, and why is this story nowhere in the mainstream media?”

As mentioned, The Times also carried big coverage of the scandal in yesterday’s Sunday edition.

We’re not nearly as enthusiastic about that story however.

The Times’ reporter, Sarah Baxter, lifted quotes from DBKP’s John Edwards Affair: Interview with David Perel, Editor-in-Chief of the National Enquirer without giving credit to DBKP.

[Nearly 3 days after we alerted the Times to the problem, they still have not acknowledged it. Someone at the Times is aware of the problem, however. Two comments left on the story voicing plagiarism concerns went unpublished, while other comments–submitted later–were. MSM Stealing Blog Content: Times Online Joining Growing MSM Trend?. What we once thought was surely an oversight is now apparently Times’ policy.]

Doug Ross, who discovered the problem, has the story: “Sunday Times runs John Edwards-Mistress-Love Child story, rips off blogosphere

But, as the Soviet government found out, it’s hard to control the flow of information in the Digital Age. The lesson remains lost on MSM editors, but it’s a lesson that will be taught nonetheless. Media watchers scurry to find a pulse on a MSM that insists on selling a dying product of warmed-over liberal socialism and “all the news we decide you can handle” to the dwindling few who rely on them for “news”.

There’s no pulse on a corpse.

However, the American media blockade of the story is slowly being penetrated. The Hartford Courant’s Kevin Rennie raises a point that MSM editors might consider:

Continue reading: John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Love Child: U.K. Papers Help Break Media Blockade

by Mondoreb
Source: John Edwards, Rielle Hunter Love Child: U.K. Papers Help Break Media Blockade

Mondoreb blogs at Death By 1000 Papercuts.com. Interested readers can e-mail him at